List of all teams

TeamID Teamtag Teamname Total games Elo Is activ Action
4 VAC Vanguard and Caroleans 16 1354 show
5 TDO The Doctor's Office 37 1859 show
6 YW Yehorivkas Witnesses 16 1495 show
7 JBB Just Bam Bam 5 777 show
8 BKS Baguette Kebab Squad 17 1288 show
9 FSG Fat Spanish Goblins 6 1051 show
10 IP Intellegent Pineapple 5 775 show
11 OB Old Bones 37 951 show
12 R8 R8 (Rogue + 8MM) 6 1089 show
13 RU Rally Up 31 1088 show
14 RO Royal Orangutans 9 880 show
15 SRG Some Random Guys 41 2139 show
16 Spit Speaking in Tongues 60 1216 show
17 TWN TWN (OTTO + NORSKE GAMERE) 5 765 show
18 [ULD] United Lads Division 45 969 show
19 ΣD Sigma Directive 21 848 show
20 F Fortis 6 970 show
21 ? MUMBLERINES 30 1329 show
22 ? salt. 10 1103 show
23 ? Indies 5 731 show
24 BigD BigD Gaming 5 483 show
25 BGK Big Gucci Killas 10 1121 show
26 BRA BRA 5 771 show
27 FA Fear Academy 20 1062 show
28 ]NG[ + [508th_PIR] ]NG[ + [508th_PIR] 5 767 show
29 1ST Oneshot-Theory 42 946 show
30 proG Productive Game 26 1388 show
31 SnG SnG 5 914 show
32 T//A Tactically Adequate 13 1160 show
33 TLR TLRGaming + Guardians 6 959 show
34 Unity Unity 10 1163 show
35 ΣT + CoG ΣT + CoG 12 1272 show
36 ? 1st Hungarian Mechanized Company 2 821 show
37 66th 66th Death Korps of Krieg 4 882 show
38 AoN Army of Nine 5 842 show
39 ? ATB & ESP 5 814 show
40 BF Brazilian Fury 3 742 show
41 CFR Complot FR 5 993 show
42 FaT Fear and Terror 12 960 show
43 X Legio X 9 1431 show
44 OC Oceanic Convicts 5 1202 show
45 RvN RaveN 63 2014 show
46 ? Rogue 39 1213 show
47 ? Scorch 9 1083 show
48 SWOA Some What 0bviously Autistic 3 964 show
49 [N] Team North 73 1161 show
50 ? Those other Lithuanian guys 5 904 show
51 ? TLR & SSF 6 1070 show
52 ONU One Nation Under 2 924 show
53 GRSW GRSW 4 1128 show
54 La Trexième La Trexième 2 957 show
55 NAC North American Comp 2 956 show
57 FAOB FAOB 2 1115 show
58 BEBG Bella's Battleground 2 823 show
59 Rvn_ProG RvN + ProG 13 1797 show
60 RogBat Rogue Battalion 2 972 show
65 AFUC Alt-FUC 5 808 show
67 Chefs Chefs 1 989 show
68 MisPla Misfit Platoon 7 887 show
69 ULL United Logi Laborers 1 951 show
70 Coalition Difficult Language Coalition 5 1024 show
71 BeS Blueberry eSports 36 1472 show
72 FGB FGB - Franco 1 977 show
73 WLS We <3 Squad Community 5 905 show
74 FRA French Coalition 37 1585 show
75 IRW Iron Wolves 4 1145 show
76 UC United Convicts 5 1149 show
77 FL Fused Legions 7 857 show
78 FAQD FAQD 7 1100 show
79 SWC Snowmen with carrots 8 893 show
81 Atak Atak Formation 7 1218 show
82 PHC PHC 5 828 show
83 ? IG+owL 6 1299 show
84 OC Old Continentals 11 1009 show
85 adHOC adHOC 6 975 show
86 TLR The Last Rifles 39 1248 show
87 NWOB NWOB 5 1019 show
88 WMT West Mogi Trading 7 1166 show
89 CB CaroBoBs 5 1021 show
90 KC Kalmarunionen 3 969 show
91 G38 G38 4 1016 show
92 RIP Rusty in Places 19 939 show
93 [SPH] SPH Milsim Spain 24 1156 show
94 PSG Press Start Gaming 3 964 show
95 Coalition LANCE+ALX 6 1101 show
96 JTF Joint Task Force 2 921 show
97 ACE ArmChair Eagles 3 969 show
98 20R 20Rogue 2 1010 show
99 EGG Elite Gaming Corporation 3 897 show
100 M4H Murder4Hire 3 904 show
101 Coalition PEPEGA+LANCE 3 1032 show
102 Coalition 20R + 9A ♠ + SigTac 3 1374 show
103 Coalition AK + D-K 3 1191 show
104 Coalition NM3RCY + ARK 3 1072 show
105 OK Old Knights 36 1375 show
106 Coalition ΣT + VTAF + RALL¥ 3 1088 show
107 Coalition OMBD + HSR + TOF 3 1006 show
108 Coalition VaC + NC 8 1354 show
109 Coalition DWI + LANCE 3 1045 show
110 Coalition ENEMY x Shiny toy Guns 3 797 show
111 NM3RCY NM3RCY 11 1122 show
112 Coalition Military Brothers + Soldiers of Fortune 4 828 show
113 Coalition STRB+North Wolves 6 1255 show
114 BP Boiled Pants 3 968 show
115 DWI Deal With It 23 1615 show
116 RSF Russian Strike Force 13 863 show
117 080 0-8-0 16 979 show
118 ? Panzer Lehr Battalion + World Tactic For 5 1031 show
119 CR Combat Reality 19 1263 show
120 Coalition Колода+SKAT 4 794 show
121 Coalition Baltic Fury + Slovenian Special Forces 5 1005 show
122 SPQR S.P.Q.R 5 974 show
123 5th MRR 5th Motorized Rifle Regiment 20 698 show
124 RWT RW Team 3 986 show
125 SoF Soldiers of Fortune 11 771 show
126 NW North Wolves 72 1590 show
127 MR Marine Reacts 9 1506 show
128 NoNa No Names 3 1270 show
129 82nd AD 82nd Airborne Division 18 852 show
130 Coalition SoF + STRB 4 968 show
131 1MSC 1More Squad Competitive 3 1071 show
134 HSR HSRangers 3 998 show
135 SQD Source of Quality Directives 19 1171 show
136 SGTA Sigma Tactical 16 1374 show
137 IIL International Logi Laborers 3 834 show
138 BW Black Wolves 8 860 show
139 Coalition GÖKTÜRK + PINGU ELITE + TEAM FEARLESS 5 1036 show
140 SLS SLS ARMY GROUP 9 796 show
141 GC Guarani Company 6 975 show
142 CI Corrupted Infantry 38 843 show
143 PM Pink Mist 39 2164 show
144 TX Team X 5 973 show
145 KoD Kids on Drugs 10 1588 show
146 =O.W.L.S= =O.W.L.S= Rangers 32 1706 show
147 EMP Emp. 12 1234 show
148 CN Combat North 5 1052 show
149 EMAN EMAN 33 1242 show
150 UAC Ukrainian Coalition 12 1143 show
151 NHS Northern Hussars 33 1130 show
152 Coalition RaT Brigade / Blood Eagle 5 1216 show
153 SSC Squad Seventh Company 13 866 show
154 81A 81Army 15 1395 show
155 EuFu European Fury 4 1041 show
156 GrFo Grand Fox 6 1174 show
157 Coalition CES-RangersPL-CoCoTea 5 734 show
158 AK Außer Kontrolle 23 1703 show
160 Coalition Black Owls + Flying Llamas 7 1094 show
161 Coalition ARK+8mm+Blitz 7 1222 show
162 TT Tactical Triggernometry 29 1565 show
163 TE The Exponentials 6 1082 show
164 HSR Husaria 21 1071 show
165 Coalition DADS+IFC 5 919 show
166 TK The Krauts 15 1072 show
167 CSS CSS 11 801 show
168 NJP Non-Judicial Punishment (AXV) 10 826 show
169 Coalition W§B+ TSF 5 828 show
170 LATAM LATAM 6 710 show
171 [8mm] 8mm Turkish Mauser 50 1468 show
172 OTTO OTTO 6 649 show
173 ]NG[ NORSKE GAMERE 13 765 show
174 ? 508th_PIR 8 874 show
175 CoG CoG 12 1272 show
176 ATB ATB 5 814 show
177 ESP ESP 5 814 show
178 SSF Slovenian Special Forces 11 1005 show
179 IG IG 6 918 show
180 owL Black Owls 32 1051 show
181 LANCE LANCE 26 914 show
182 ALX ALX 6 1101 show
183 20R 20R Gaming 6 806 show
184 9A ♠ 9A ♠ 3 1192 show
185 PEPEGA PEPEGA 3 965 show
186 D-K D-K 3 1187 show
188 [ARK] ARK 22 1157 show
189 VTAF VTAF 5 853 show
190 OMBD OMBD 3 1006 show
191 TOF TOF 3 1006 show
192 NC NC 8 936 show
194 MB Military Brothers 6 801 show
195 STRB STRB 41 1038 show
196 Колода Колода 4 794 show
197 SKAT SKAT 4 794 show
198 [BF] Baltic Fury 23 905 show
199 SOF SOF 35 1429 show
200 GÖKTÜRK GÖKTÜRK 5 1036 show
201 ? PINGU ELITE 5 1036 show
202 ? TEAM FEARLESS 5 1036 show
203 「Ns」 North Star 36 1450 show
204 RaT RaT Brigade 36 1712 show
205 ? Blood Eagle 5 1129 show
206 ? Flying Lamas 7 507 show
207 Blitz Blitz 14 1331 show
208 W§B W§B 5 828 show
209 TSF TSF 7 828 show
210 Ω | Ω | OHM 41 1584 show
211 DTOX DTOX Gaming Community 33 1492 show
212 OHM + DTOX OHM + DTOX 20 1342 show
213 DTEK DTEK 17 1246 show
214 NXL Next Level 34 1060 show
215 SAT SAT 13 708 show
216 FOX Red Foxes 65 1423 show
217 VAQ VAQ 3 996 show
218 RATS RATS 23 1222 show
219 0429 0429 3 1011 show
220 COTA Code of The Army 25 664 show
221 U24 United 24 16 1021 show
222 FRS Fishing Rifle Squad 18 1271 show
223 OE OBLENERGY 0 show
225 SBS Silverback Souls 20 582 show
226 4.5.0 4.5.0 12 1014 show
227 M.A.G M.A.G 5 765 show
228 DN Darkest Night 15 1015 show
229 0-82-W. 0-82-Wolves 11 1580 show
230 WG Wild Griffons 16 966 show
231 SF Silver Foxes 3 895 show
234 EWS Edelweiss Stürmer 0 show
235 Λ\ Augusta 7 986 show
236 ACF Australasia Coalition Force 5 1274 show
237 NR. NOVEMBER 2 1026 show
238 SASC South American Squad Confederation 10 801 show
239 [SYND Syndicate 4 975 show
240 RTD RTD 20 1285 show
241 AKREP AKREP 10 878 show
242 RSM Reverse Side of the Medal 4 990 show
243 RST I Rising Star Team 22 1381 show
244 POST POST 19 1370 show
245 CCG Canned Catfood Gaming 0 show
246 =A.D.S= =A.D.S= 5 783 show
247 ZP ZeroGPros 3 932 show
249 [WG] War Geese 2 956 show
250 【UB】 Usta Birligi 1 991 show
251 UGA Ukrainian Gaming Alliance 0 show
252 TZB Türk Zirhli Birlikleri 0 show
253 STMG Small Tactical Mobile Group 3 947 show
254 [Skira] Operation Skira 6 1051 show
255 ★ rтs™ Real Time Strategy Community 4 918 show
256 <RangersPL> RangersPL 18 736 show
257 [P²] Project Phoenix 19 1214 show
259 MwB. Monkeys Want Bananas 44 1566 show
260 [LD] Legion Donbass 7 834 show
261 [iW] Iron Warrior 3 811 show
262 『GM』 Grand Masters 27 1359 show
263 11.CIB Československý pěchotní prapor 12 1192 show
264 CES | Comunidad Espanola de Squad 0 show
265 「ALPHA」 Alpha Legion 3 897 show
266 501st 501st Airborn Regiment 3 920 show
267 [UAF] United Arab Forces 12 1191 show
268 22ND 22nd Praetorian 0 show
269 [BAJA] Baja Boys 1 985 show
270 [29th ID] 29th Infantry Division 3 734 show
271 「I❤Milf」 I Love Milf 0 show
272 MSL Magic Squad Latam 0 show
273 DMH Dead Man's Hand 0 show
274 [UUF] Ukraine Unity Frontline 13 1021 show
275 THRFC Thailand Reality Friendly Community 12 1297 show
276 Λ-T A - Team 12 1723 show
277 GSC German Squad Community 0 show
278 [♥] We Love Squad 0 show
279 TC Turkish Community 2 885 show
280 RB | Royal Battalion 16 986 show
281 [KEEP] Keep Calm 0 show
282 GD ♚ Groussherzog Division 0 show
283 Etoile 0 show
284 [BOU] [Black Ops Unit] 0 show
285 [44th] 44th Royal Anglian Regiment 26 1099 show
286 GOL Get On Line 1 976 show
287 [1stRB] 1st Recon Battalion 3 963 show
289 CORE CORE 18 1443 show
290 RST+CORE RST+CORE 10 1443 show
291 Ulla 乌拉 Ulla 乌拉 2 855 show
292 TSQ TSQ 1 957 show
293 1stRB+TSQ 1stRB+TSQ 1 957 show
295 CORE + N CORE + Team North 1 1020 show
296 CES CES 10 391 show
297 8MM + CES 8MM + CES 4 930 show
298 GTR GÖKTÜRK 1 931 show
299 DRS DRS 9 1123 show
301 Coalition GTR + DRS 1 1123 show
302 LiQuid Comp LiQuid Competitive 3 927 show
303 Coalition Ark+1st 12 1433 show
304 Raider Raider 8 848 show
306 nnssf nnssf 1 935 show
307 Coalition nwblitz 7 1432 show
308 Coalition 1STARK 2 1136 show
309 MT€ MT€ 3 1208 show
310 RmdV Raus mit den Viechern 3 1208 show
311 CHIMERA CHIMERA 3 1208 show
312 Coalition CON 5 1188 show
313 GeZi GeZi 1 862 show
314 CL Corrupted Level 9 1028 show
315 CoCoTea CoCoTea 6 683 show
316 Coalition CES + CoCoTea 1 949 show
317 UTF United Turkish Forces 2 930 show
318 [A.T.B] Arma Türk Birlikleri 1 953 show
319 VV Vae Victis 1 1057 show
320 SPECTRE SPECTRE 8 1190 show
321 1St BJ 1ST Blood Jaegers 6 1062 show
322 ACM Arm Chair Militia 6 795 show
323 IL Iron Lance 6 1068 show
324 CaroL Carolean 14 1451 show
325 EWA European Wargamer Association 6 978 show
326 BB Blood Bound 8 959 show
327 EnR Einherjar 7 1601 show
328 BoB Band of Bastards 7 1160 show
329 ZWD Zulu Warface Delta 6 1022 show
330 8 ST 8 Shot Theory 6 973 show
331 FAKKED FAKKED 7 1171 show
332 UFP United F*cking Phoenix 5 986 show
333 VANG Vanguard 8 1418 show
334 DELTA DELTA 1 979 show
335 IXL IX Legion 4 1024 show
336 XZOL XZOL 1 967 show
337 QE QE 4 1187 show
338 GT Golden Team 3 1055 show
339 RAGE RAGE 1 960 show
340 MYSQ Mystery Squad 4 1032 show
341 XIL XI Legion 1 960 show
342 CEP Combat Engineer Platoon 1 969 show
343 BuWe Bundeswehr 1 959 show
344 RWS RW Squad 1 960 show
345 SPirT SPirT 1 975 show
346 FGW First Generation War 1 962 show
347 ? Вкусно и точка 1 980 show
349 EXD EXD 3 897 show
350 OSG OneShot Gaming 4 885 show
351 EXD/SPH EXD/SPH 3 897 show
352 SR Smoking Rifles 4 1028 show
353 SBS Special Brexit Service 3 886 show
354 OHBD Old Hussars Bring Death 9 1200 show
355 LG Liquid Gaming 2 1018 show
356 Shift W Shift W 4 922 show
357 Liquid Gaming / Shift W Liquid Gaming / Shift W 2 1018 show
358 BLU+1ST+AK BLU+1ST+AK 6 1386 show
359 BK Blitzkrieg 7 954 show
360 PRR Project Rogue RaveN 6 1755 show
361 HowL HowL 6 1341 show
362 SOE Special Operation Europe 5 1074 show
363 RSN RALL¥ UP + SOE + NC 5 1350 show
364 BA Blue Army 4 1087 show
365 LNB LANCE + NORTH + BALTIC FURY 8 1037 show
366 TLK The LlamaKrieg 4 794 show
368 EWASY EWASY 5 1092 show
369 PDS Please Don't Shoot 3 814 show
370 KiBo Kinetic Boize 1 868 show
371 RvN + owL RvN + owL 10 1836 show
372 SPM SPM 4 906 show
373 TM TM 4 906 show
374 SPM + TP SPM + TP 4 906 show
375 2K1B 2 Köfte 1 Baguette 5 993 show
376 UKNW Unknowns 4 1037 show
377 PMCK PMC Komar 6 786 show
378 TNB The North Boys 11 1316 show
379 RSM RSM бибизяний cumбэк 11 1132 show
380 R R 0 show
381 R? R? 10 1253 show
382 NW+R NW+R 10 1655 show
383 Пацифисты Пацифисты 5 911 show
384 VoEn Vodka Enjoyers 10 1033 show
385 4BK ЧВК Кузя Лакомкин 9 1010 show
386 RSMчики RSMчики 6 934 show
387 EAB EA Bomj 7 751 show
388 KIDS KIDS 10 1181 show
389 CompElo Test Team Test Team 0 show
390 ★ RP™ ★ RP™ 0 show
391 NXL-UA NXL+RATS 9 1222 show
392 MWB + RangersPL MWB + RangersPL 10 1040 show
393 SVPP Si Vis Pacem Parabellum 2 957 show
394 TRB The Rowdyruff Boys 3 937 show
395 IFC IFC 6 908 show
396 DADS DADS 5 919 show
397 [SW] Synicate Wolves 3 1058 show
398 FL彡 Foreign Legion 27 1585 show
399 ADSSC ADSSC 4 795 show
401 101st 101st 8 1167 show
402 RSTM Reserve Side of Thunder Medal 1 921 show
403 wULF wULF 7 1241 show
404 141 141 3 935 show
405 TSEX TeamS EX 3 1121 show
406 HUN HUN 2 910 show
407 RePros Real Professionals 3 932 show
408 WG + NW WG + NW 0 show
409 ExTe ExacTed 3 947 show
410 OHM + 44th OHM + 44th 1 1085 show
411 UCL UCL 2 954 show
412 ucl + stmg ucl + stmg 2 954 show
413 OHM + Skira OHM + Skira 2 1053 show
414 NO Normal Ones 1 978 show
415 Ns + DRS Ns + DRS 7 1471 show
416 [13.Jg] 13.Jägerkompanie 2 842 show
417 [DPG] Dead Presidents Germany 2 842 show
418 [ZXD] Zulu Delta X-Rax 3 980 show
419 13DZ 13 Dead Zulus 2 842 show
420 N+BF N+BF 5 954 show
421 [HELP] High Expectations, Low Probability 0 show
422 ╠Ω╣ NΩMADS 0 show
423 N/NW N/NW 1 1157 show
424 PotOps Potato Operations 1 953 show
425 RB+BLU+1ST RB+BLU+1ST 3 1410 show
426 LaC La creme 3 1039 show
427 ULA Unlikely Alliance 0 show
428 WFT WFT 1 884 show
429 Unlikely Alliance Unlikely Alliance 1 884 show
430 RvN + Wulf RvN + Wulf 3 1548 show
431 [SO] Squad Europe 1 968 show
432 0-8-0 + Team North 0-8-0 + Team North 0 show
433 SLP Spanish Lan Party 0 show
434 ARK CN ARK CN 4 1321 show
435 WH Wild Hunt 1 933 show
436 R1ST Rouge+1ST 2 1180 show
437 DGC DGC 1 858 show
438 WMS WMS 4 1105 show
439 BHM BHM 2 891 show
440 DNGF DNGF 2 891 show
441 BDHI BDHI 2 891 show
442 HU Horror Unit 1 1051 show
443 VAEV VAEV 1 858 show
444 UTF+VAEV UTF+VAEV 1 858 show
445 M?? M?? 3 1381 show
446 RvN+OB RvN + OB 1 1337 show
447 AMERI Amerithunk 2 1026 show
448 ]NG + 508 ]NG + 508 3 874 show
449 ΞP⋅ Team Empulse 12 1283 show
450 CIC Caught in Crossfire 2 1014 show
451 EP/RIP EP/RIP 2 1146 show
452 EP/CIC EP/CIC 1 1091 show
453 1AAX 1st Air Assault Brigade 1 979 show
454 WG + NW Wild Griffons + North Wolves 1 1601 show
456 [OPS] Squad Ops 4 819 show
457 (KT) Kuyog Tactical Team 5 1106 show
458 Coalition OHM + DTOX + TLR 11 1321 show
459 『FW』 Full Wipe 27 1452 show
460 S1G S1G 1 982 show
461 [PG] Peregrine Falcon 1 987 show
462 URA URA 1 1017 show
463 M.YZ M.YZ 1 1033 show
464 AOW Army Officer's Wing 1 973 show
465 AF=ER AFKP=ERT 1 982 show
466 SyTe Symbol Team 1 971 show
467 MSL Magic Squad Legionnaires 2 881 show
468 RCN Recon 5 889 show
469 冲锋号/BCTC Bugle Call To Charge 6 954 show
470 (R!J) Running In Japanese 7 1151 show
471 (KT) + (R!J) (KT) + (R!J) 5 1106 show
472 (INFH) InfinityHub 2 854 show
473 (JOSGC) Jangkrik Old Squad 0 show
474 RFCC Reality Friendly Community Coalition 4 1030 show
475 ^MIAU^ Movement.Infantry.Armour.Uninstall 6 1254 show
476 ARF ARF 2 973 show
477 GP Giant Panda 9 1560 show
478 JGR Jaeger Division 19 758 show
479 [ATW] Accidental Targets of War 0 show
480 THR The Thronglers 9 926 show
481 [VALF] Valhalla Forces 10 853 show
482 LYBTAC #1 LIYAB TACTICAL 1 2 944 show
483 JOSGC JOS Gaming Community 4 879 show
484 LYBTAC #2 LIYAB TACTICAL 2 2 708 show
485 TMD Too Much Drama 15 1030 show
486 WGS WG + SBS 1 961 show
487 NFW N + FW 2 1170 show
488 HSR + UAF HSR + UAF 1 1083 show
489 RSGS Russian Squad Game Server 13 1168 show
490 [TWS] Together We Stand 4 1221 show
491 UAF + P2 UAF + P2 6 1214 show
492 CI + RIP CI + RIP 1 981 show
493 11.CIB + CI 11.CIB + CI 1 993 show
494 CI + GM CI + GM 1 987 show
495 [GNL] Got Nothing Left 3 1016 show
496 RTB RTB 1 878 show
497 TOP TOP 3 1333 show
498 NXL + CI NXL + CI 2 998 show
499 Angel Angel 1 883 show
501 [BF] [SPH] [11.cib] Baltic-Czech-Spanish Coalition 0 show
502 APACHE AP 9 963 show
503 STAP STRB & APACHE 8 1038 show
504 ≈IMG≈ Imperium Gaming 17 1285 show
505 FRI FRI 17 1298 show
507 IF Isreal Force 4 905 show
508 BF + IF Goodfellas 4 905 show
509 AKREP + COTA COTAK 5 878 show
510 SOBR SOBR 4 871 show
511 TESC TESC 2 886 show
512 WTF Worth The Fight 4 1054 show
513 PFS Peregrine falcon Squad 2 983 show
514 SPH + 11. CIB Iberian-Czech Coalition 2 1192 show
515 Enr 1 Einherjar 1 7 1080 show
516 NKLK NKLK 2 1018 show
517 [BB] BlackBerry 17 1247 show
518 Русский паблик Русский паблик 1 988 show
519 STRB + 5thMR mercs STRB + 5thMR mercs 1 949 show
520 PSTN PSTN 1 987 show
521 PSTN + SYND PSTN + SYND 1 993 show
522 G4S Group 4 Securicor 0 show
523 Mwb + MIUA Monkeys want MIAU 6 1566 show
524 MEI Middle East Insurgents 2 788 show
525 MDC Mors De Caelo 2 856 show
526 Valhalla Forces x Mors De Caelo Valhalla Forces x Mors De Caelo 2 856 show
527 SR & GNL Skira Raiders GNL 3 1051 show
528 DNT DTOX NKLK TLR 2 1492 show
529 ✦WW✦ Western Wolwes 0 show